GP Info

One Stop Consultation:
Patients with cardiac conditions requiring consultation and investigation can be referred. GPs are NOT required to arrange cardiac investigations prior to making a referral since all appropriate investigations will be undertaken through this clinic, many on the day of their consultation.

Patients will be offerred a ‘one stop’ consultation where possible. Echocardiography, exercise tolerance testing and stress echocardiography will be facilitated on the day of their consultation especially for patients coming from more remote areas.

Stress Echocardiography:
Stress echocardiography is used in preference to myocardial perfusion imaging. The diagnostic yield of stress echocardiography is comparable and does not require a radiation dose which is safer for the patient. Stress echocardiography is done through this clinic with the latest software packages to enhance qualitative analysis. Contrast agents are used where echocardiographic windows are suboptimal to enhance accuracy.

Open Access Investigations:
Investigations can also be requested without the need for a consultation. The appropriate form on our homepage can be downloaded, printed and faxed or emailed. The investigation ( Holter Monitor, Exercise tolerance test,Transthoracic echocardiogram, Stress Echocardiogram, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor etc.) will then be completed and the report provided within 2 weeks of receipt of that request. All investigations will be reported by a Cardiologist.

This is a private clinic which attracts a small gap fee for every consultation and investigation which is undertaken. In cases where a valid referral is provided a medicare rebate for up to 80% of that fee will apply.

Making a referral:
Referrals can be made by phone 02 6841 8820 or fax 02 6841 8828. The downloadable forms linked to this website can be printed, completed and submitted.

Click here for Email Referrals

Phone contact:
A/Professor R Chatoor is happy to discuss any patients of concern and is contactable through switchboard at Dubbo Private 02 6841 8800 or Dubbo Base 02 6885 8666 on weekdays and on Saturday between 8 am and 5 pm.